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Wastewater treatment refers to the process of converting the wastewater into bilge water that could be discharged back into the environment so that it does not get wasted. Wastewater treatment Malaysia and other parts of the world are popularizing themselves and the same are urging people to save and conserve water.
Water treatment system of Malaysia has been a successful idea throughout the country and the government today is focusing more on the wastewater treatment in Malaysia so that the waste water can be reused and hence conserved. Two wastewater treatment plants are considered to be used in the management of wastewater namely, chemical treatment plant and biological wastewater treatment plant. The latter makes the use of biological matter as well as bacteria to break down the waste matter, whereas the former plants make the use of chemical reactions as well as other physical processes to treat the same.
Following is the step by step process involved in the wastewater treatment in Malaysia.
- 1. Wastewater collection:
This is the first step where the collection systems are put in the place by home owners or municipal administration. The water is collected and directed in a treatment plant by the way of an underground drainage system.
- 2. Odor control:
Odor control forms an integral part of the wastewater treatment in Malaysia. In order to make sure that the areas are free from smell, the process of odor treatment are started at the treatment plant.
- 3. Screening:
Screening involves the removal of all the large objects like diapers, nappies, rags, broken bottles, etc. so that these objects do not intrude with the functioning of the machines.
- 4. Primary treatment:
This process is all about the separation of macrobiotic solid matter from the wastewater and the same is done by the way of pouring the wastewater into bigger tasks so that the solid matter settles at the surface of the tanks.
- 5. Secondary treatment:
The secondary treatment includes the addition of seed sludge into the wastewater to make sure that is broken down. Air is pumped into the aeration tanks that mixes wastewater with the seed sludge. The wastewater is made pass through the larger tanks for 3-6 hours.
- 6. Bio-solids handlings:
The solid matter which settles out post the both stages of treatment is then directed towards the digesters. These digesters are heated at a room temperature. The wastes are treated for a month where they undergo the process of anaerobic digestion.
- 7. Tertiary treatment:
This stage is very similar to the one which is used by drinking water treatment plants that clean the raw water for drinking purposes. The stage removes up to 99 percent of impurities from the wastewater. Thus, the water so produced is effluent water which is close to the drinking water quality.
- 8. Disinfection:
The water still comprises of some organisms which may cause diseases when drunk. Thus, the process of disinfection is carried out for 20-25 minutes to disinfect the water.
- 9. Sludge treatment:
The sludge so produced and collected in the two process is then put into thickening tanks that permits it to settle down and later separates in from the water. The remaining water is collected and taken back to the aeration tanks for concerned treatment.
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Construction and renovation business is very much at its peak today. A number of companies have established themselves well in this particular business and the startups too are rising up to make name for themselves. The scope of construction and renovation services in Malaysia and various parts of the world has increased over the time. As a result, various number of people are opting for construction companies in Malaysia and other parts of the world instead of independent constructors.
The increasing scope of construction and renovation business also paves way for some new trends which are used in the field in the recent time. Following are the few latest trends in the construction and renovation business.
- 1. Single-design model:
The traditional practice involved the creation of documents and then giving the same to the contractors to redraw them with a different information. However, the times have changed now and in order to save time and money, there has been a shift and everything has become in house – ranging from the coordination to engineering and everything else. Single-design models are so much in fashion today.
- 2. The use of materials:
A number of construction company in Malaysia have claimed that there has been a difference in the use of materials over the time. Materials like adapted sheet metal are famous as the guaranteed pressure class for being high in quality, however the use of material has undergone a change following the recent trends. Consequently, instead of assembling one piece of duct work, twenty feet of it could be assembled together.
- 3. Efficiency in energy:
The consumption of energy has always been on the mind of a number of construction and renovation services in Malaysia. A number of experts suggest that a system which recovers energy by the way of occupancy sensors as well as heat wheels have become very important. This trend is being adopted by a number of construction companies.
- 4. Permanent modular construction:
Modular construction is very much in fashion today because of a number of reasons. A modular construction gives a modern touch to your old house, thereby making a beautiful appearance. Modular construction promises a good use of technology and the entire process becomes very hassle free by following the same. Thus, instead of temporary modular construction, the permanent modular construction has become the latest trend. A number of construction companies in Malaysia claim that permanent modular construction has become a part of high-rise construction.
- 5. Flexibility:
The biggest question is the question of flexibility. A number of technical advancement and upgrade have been made in the field of construction and renovation. Such advancement call for a great deal of flexibility. Thus, the people have started making themselves more flexible in order to adept to these changes and welcoming the newer ones. Flexibility in terms of construction and renovation is the newest trend to look for. The more flexible the parties are, better are the chances of an excellent house construction or renovation.
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Be it a gala event, a charity function or your success party, the main attraction of your event will be the annual dinner theme. After All, dinner means snacks, main course meals, and luscious desserts and last but not the least, the amazing cocktails and drinks. Parties are nothing without a proper dinner and when it comes to create a perfection, planning of the event must be optimal in every essence.
Your annual dinner in Malaysia will be a way to get connected with the world, letting others know about your position in the corporate and social world. And if you are one of those popular mogul faces, then expect the paparazzi to crowd over in your event. Not a single mistake can be expected from your part, no matter how meagre it is. In fact, your dinner event will reflect your taste, your choices and obviously your grandeur. So, planning of the event requires genius talent and thorough look out.
Now, if you are stuck with a busy schedule and cannot understand how to manage everything and make the dinner party a memorial event, then here we are to help you with some of the basic tips. However, always remember no matter what you do, your actions will be scrutinized so don’t let anything falter your choice of events and go ahead with your plans.
Book popular and grand venues
Venues matter a lot for an annual dinner party, especially when you want to become it a headline on the next day's newspaper, albeit in a good way though. The first thing that you have to look out is for the space. The hall should be spacious and well equipped with the necessities. You can choose an open field also for the dinner but that would be just a small one. Go for established venues since they provide with their exquisite services.
Decide the dinner menu strategically`
Consider the season first. Now it would be absurd if you keep many warm and hot dishes in the summer season. Also, make your dinner more attracting by including the seasonal cuisines because most of the people like to have that. Divide your dinner course in four parts- snacks, main course, desserts and wines.
Arrange a proper table setting
As it is a social event, go for tables of five to six person per table. Do not over crowd a particular section of the hall using the tables and chairs. Distribute them so that no table cab block another and even then, people can communicate. Keep the decorations minimum, with a vase of fresh flowers, paper napkins, and cutleries. Allow your event organizer to do the settings in a fashionable and unique way.
Consider arranging for an entertainment
Dinner without dancing is boring. Your guests will definitely look forward to dance with their partners or other people. Dancing in a party is actually considered to be an open invitation for social ties. So, don’t forget to hire a good event organizer who can deal with the entertainment section also.
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Conserving water is actually is need of the hour. It is the only way to counter the issue of water shortage. It is a well known fact that the level of water of the planet Earth is decreasing day by day and so, it is very important to work on this issue. The best way to keep the natural water from depleting is by wastewater treatment. With the use of proper equipment for the treatment of waste water, we can preserve the precious natural resource.
Water preservation is our responsibility
Nature has its way of coping with every calamity or scarcity. But, as far as this issue of water preservation is concerned, it is very evident that the natural processes are lagging behind. The pace of water depletion is much higher than the pace of water replenishment. The nature’s process could not cope with the loss and so, it is our responsibility to contribute towards the issue.
We must consider it our duty to preserve water. Existence without water is almost next to impossible and hence, we must take the responsibility to preserve as much water as we can.
Treatment of waste water is a part of water cycle and hence, it is very much important for the overall environment.
We tend to waste a lot of water at our homes, workplaces and for industrial use. To maintain the level and supply of water, the treatment of waste water is very essential. The increase in population and other factors are exacerbating the condition and so, we must gear up to create a balance.
What is Wastewater treatment?
The water that we use is contaminated in certain ways. Activities like bathing, washing, etc, contaminate the water and leave it for no use. But, with the help of treatment, the water can be again brought back in a healthy state to make it usable.
The treatment can be done either by biological waste water treatment plant or by physical treatment or chemical treatment.
Several plants are set up to carry out the process of water treatment to make water usable again.
How can we contribute towards it?
There are several ways in which we can contribute towards betterment of the issue. We waste a major portion of water and to balance it we can also conserve a major portion of water. This can be done by installing plants for water preservation and conversion.
We must make it a point to install the systems for the treatment of waste water at our home, workplace and industrial set ups to preserve as much water as we can. This can be done with the use of wastewater treatment plants, water filtration plants, and water filters.
The use of water filtration plants can help to a great extent. With the use of these plants we can replenish the depleted sources of water.
We are the one who are responsible for the scarcity of water and so, the responsibility of preserving it also lies on our shoulders.
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Office partitions are used by so many businesses across the world. Mostly, they are used as a way of ensuring that employees have privacy and also offer an easy and quick way of altering workspace to ensure that future expansions are met. Also, in comparison to creation of permanent walls, they offer a much cheaper option. You can buy modern partitioning easily and get to install it in the shortest time possible while guaranteeing you enhanced durability. There are many different types of partitions that include glass partitions and portable partitions
Floor to ceiling office partitions
Many offices are increasingly using these partitions for breaking the workspaces up. Sometimes, these office partitions are known as ‘full height’ but the worker isn’t actually enclosed fully and visibility is not stopped at the office. Mainly, metal is used for making the partitions and cloth is used for covering the floor. These ones can also be arranged and easily moved from various locations with no problem at all.
Glass partitions
The next option of office partitions available out there on the market is glass partition and this is becoming a darling for many people. Typically, aluminum and glass is used for making these partitions and while some can have a frame, others are without it. You will essentially find them available in full height panels or half and privacy at the workplace is guaranteed through installation of venetian blinds. The noise can be reduced by use of glass partition while also ensuring that light is able to flow over the workspace entirely. The price paid for the glass partitions cost will depend on various things like type of glass, framing and other desired options depending on what is available on the market.
Cubicles are by far the most basic and common dividers used in offices today. You will hear them being referred to as ‘half height’ partitions by many and provide enhanced privacy. These office partitions offer enhanced convenience since the workspace configuration can be changed easily by just mere movements of the cubicle’s walls. Installation of cubicles is done in a way that 4 walls are made and there is an opening made to ensure that people enter the cubicle and exit. Usually, the fourth wall of the cubicle is normally half and the workspace in the cubicle normally features computer space, work desk, filing system and related software.
Accordion walls
The thing with accordion walls is that these office partitions can be moved easily and quickly among different places as desired. Full enclosure is essentially provided by these partitions which is actually similar to floor to ceiling partitioning.
Portable office partitions
Usually, portable office partitionsare on rollers and come with the advantage of being moved among different places. They are preferred by many people who are looking for the most flexible temporary partitioning solution. Most importantly, they come with the advantage of enhanced noise reduction and even though they offer minimal privacy.
Shelton Office supply & manufacturer all kind of office partitions which include open plan partition, glass partitions, workstation, office chair & steel furniture.
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An exhibition offers businesses a remarkable opportunity of interacting face-to-face with the target audience in a specific environment. It is important that you know how you can stand out in these exhibitions and be able to get more from the encounter.
Exhibition marketing strategy
Even though it not possible to guarantee an exhibition’s quality, it is possible to control the way you take advantage of this opportunity just like any other marketing activity out there. You just need to set goals and plan appropriately and this will help you to establish your specific targets and identify your prospects as well as selling relevant benefits and increasing the returns.
Set specific goals
The first thing in planning an exhibition is setting specific goals and you will start by analyzing the target audience. This will help you know how you are going to tune the message you use and who should be the approach. Most importantly, ensure that the goals you set are realistic and specific as this will help you achieve them easily. Identifying your prospects is something that you should take very seriously if you want to be successful.
Attracting the target market
Ideally, your exhibition should be based on a theme that targets a specific target market. How your message this is of paramount importance and you should consider that the priorities of financial directors as they assess your products/ services will be different compared to when a sales director is accessing them. Despite having the best brand guidelines, it is important that the theme of your exhibition engages your audience, specifically. Such includes your exhibition design, words and imagery used as well as your handout.
Cohesive branding
After the target market has been established, the next thing is starting to understand the best way of engaging them. The current sales process that the business is using can actually be utilized. You should know the credentials and questions are asked when you finish doing a sales pitch as this is the only way you can ensure that you achieve your objectives when undertaking your exhibition.
Time guidelines for production
You will realize that conceptual design, art working and development is incredibly easy and a clear brief is just what your design agency needs to deliver concepts that are in line with your requirements. The initial creative should take about two weeks after which you will need some time for artwork creation and development.
Also, it is very important that the exhibition staffs prepared properly particularly on how they will be connecting with the prospect directly. It is essential that the staff have a good understanding of your specific goals and know the kind of questions that visitors are likely to ask during the event and how best to answer them. During the material day, it is important that you do your best to get the most out of the event and attract the audience and keep them fully engaged with your brand.
Malaysia Exhibition is the most comprehensive internet event and fair portal provided list of upcoming trade events & exhibition in Malaysia.
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Whether to renovate or simply move is a dreaded question that you can be sure you will find yourself asking at some point as a business person. Even though renovations tend to cost time and money, an updated office improves the morale and productivity of workers and is also a great boost to brand awareness. Your potential clients start to assess your business right from the moment; they set their feet on your door. As such, office renovation is something that you should give very serious consideration and here are the reasons why this is the case.
Not enough desks for everyone
Over time, your business will have grown and you might now be having more people working at your firm. However, this comes with the challenge of where all of them will be put. Lack of space tends to struck you and in this case, rethinking the layout becomes something of great importance. A professional designer can really help you with this by giving you the best office renovation ideas that you can rely on. Most of the designers who are specialists when it comes to office space planning tend to have highly creative solutions when it comes to addressing space management solutions. They know too well that space limitation has serious psychological effects on the employees and clients and can assist you in making informed decision that will balance your comfort, flexibility and privacy.
Outdated furnishings, technology and lighting
In case you haven’t bought new chairs and desks for a decade, you can be sure that you are missing great on the best developments in ergonomics that have happened over time. To ensure that your clients stop wondering why you are so behind with new updates and developments, it is important for you to consider office renovation.Costs relating to workplace injury can essentially include medical bills, lost wages as well as insurance administrative costs. As such, it is really worthy your money and time to invest in some new furnishings. Modern day office furnishings are able to accommodate numerous styles of work that can be great for your employees. You can have the desks either lowered or raised depending on whether you need to use it for the computer or for standing work.
Wear and tear signs on walls, ceiling and floors
Whether you like it or not, your office will be crying to have a new floor or a fresh paint coat to improve its looks. The carpet essentially becomes the first to appear worn out considering that everyone steps on it with shoes. When undertaking your office renovation, it is important that you check at the high traffic patterns which should have super durable surfaces. You can opt for the high end vinyl floor which can be cleaned easily. A new carpet can help improve your outdated floor and get to give your brand a new lease of life, which certainly means better productivity for your business.
JT Plaster Ceiling Renovation are specialize in wide range of home and office renovation solutions, office partitioning, plaster ceiling. They have been in this business for more than 15 years in Malaysia.
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What does event management mean?
Event management requires a person to be interactive and energetic in nature. In order to plan and manage an event, it is important to plan and organize the event so that they do not face issues later on. People who are involved in this process are required to have skills that make them creative and come up with new techniques and ideas. Moreover, several factors need to be considered when managing such an event because not only are people involved in managing the event but they also require money and other resources. An event can only be completed in a successful manner when they are completed within the prescribed time and within the budget that is allocated for this purpose.
What are the different tasks that an event manager is required to perform?
During the process of event management, the manager is required to focus on some factors that would help them to carry out the process affectively. In planning of the event, the entire process needs to be followed in an organized manner. The first step is to plan the entire event and create the budget that would be required for this process. After planning and organizing, the invitations are sent to the visitors of the event and seminars need to be planned as well. The site of the event is also important in this regard because a good site would always attract people and the success of the event might be dependent on this factor. It should also be known that the event should be designed according to the schedule that was created in the event management.
Role of Event Management Company in planning wedding functions
Wedding is the most important event in any person’s life. Everyone wants their wedding to be perfect so that the people who come to the event remember this event as well. It is for this reason that most of the people are now planning to take the services of event planners who would manage their services. This would be important because there is already too much pressure on the husband and wife as they would have to focus on other issues such as buying the proper wedding clothes, deciding on the invitation cards and cakes. Hence, if event management services are taken into account, their responsibilities would be diversified and they would focus on other issues properly.
How to find the best event planners for management
People can search for the event planners when their weddings are near. There are different ways through which people can find out about the best event planning companies that are near to them. They can search the internet for this purpose as well because there are several websites that have complete details about the best event management companies and their features and costs that can help the person decide the company, which is most suitable to them.
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There have been conferences and all sorts of meetings to come up with ideas on how businesses can go green. The idea of going green is simply to help businesses in conserving energy that they use. Indeed this is an excellent way of ensuring that the environment is protected not forgetting the fact that there is a generation that would need these energy sources. Reduction of energy consumption can be achieved in many ways. The energy saved can later be used in transmission, generation, consumption and even distribution.
With the innovative minds that are out there, companies can boast of the fact that they can conserve energy with ease. This is done by making use of simple ideas that are being endorsed out there.
T&T Inspection And Engineering has specialist expertise in providing a wide range of energy conservation services in Malaysia which also included Infrared Thermal Imaging Scanning, non-destructive diagnostics scanning services, condition based monitoring, preventative & detective maintenance of electrical and mechanical equipments.
Some of the techniques that would help any company in conservation of energy are:
- The use of efficient motors
- Lighting retrofit
- Use of control systems
- Mechanical system renovations
- Metering technologies
- Industrial processing developments
- Demand response enhancements
- Modernization of pumping systems
A good example of a move to reduce on energy consumption in a new construction is by coming up with a design that would allow you to utilize any form of energy source. You can also install the latest software technologies that would ensure you manage electrical usage in your firm.
The idea of conserving energy can also be integrated by turning to natural sources of energy. If your business can work with solar panels, wind power etc. then this would be a great way to save on energy that you use. Many firms are trying their level best to avoid the usage of oil and electricity in their systems. As a matter of fact, this is the main reason why car companies are coming up with hybrid cars; simply to save on energy consumption.
What benefits do you gain by conserving energy in your business premises?
Save on expenses
Any business would admit to the fact that paying labourers and energy bills are some of the biggest expenses that they have to go through every now and then. Well, here is an idea today that would help you save on these expenses. Saving on energy would ensure that you pay fewer bills by the end of the month. Think about the amount that you would be saving by the end of the year; this should motivate you into conserving energy in your place of business.
Taking advantage of government incentives
In a move to ensure that businesses save on energy, Governments are offering programs that would help business monitor their energy consumption levels. Hence, you can make the best out of these incentives and save on energy. Bear in mind that you would also save on other general expenses such as electricity bills, taxes etc.
The goal of energy conservation in any business does not fall solely on the idea of saving on expenses. By ensuring this, the environment would also be protected in terms of depletion of its natural resources. It is important that you uphold the idea in your field of operation to gain the benefits mentioned in this critique.
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- Hits: 16039
The importance of office furniture
The importance of office furniture can be realized from the fact that the performance of a person or any employee is affected significantly by the type of furniture that is being used in the office. People prefer to have comfortable furniture such as chairs, tables, desks, cupboards and sofas. If the quality of these goods is not better enough, then people might not be able to work in a good manner. Even though the selection of furniture for the office may not appear to be a large issue but it is the responsibility of the management to ensure that, the working environment of any office is not affected by any factor.
Important points to consider when buying office furniture
Purchasing office furniture is not an easy or a less expensive task. It requires a lot of planning, money, time and energy to decide which type of furniture is best for the office. The first major point to consider is the level of budget that the office has because it is important for the management to understand that they have to remain within the budget when incurring such expenditure so that they do not have to face financial constraints later on. It is also important for people to give priority to that furniture which will be used on a daily basis and is essential for completing the tasks provided to every employee. If the office also needs the services of computer, then furniture regarding to it such as a computer desk etc. should also be added to the list of furniture. Cupboards and shelves are important if there is a lot of paper work required and the office needs to ensure that each of their customer’s detail is stored effectively in a file and placed on the shelf. This may also help to reduce any mess or overcrowding of things in the office. The meeting room may also need office furniture so that people can discuss important points about their business and have board meetings as well.
How can a person find the best office furniture for their office?
In order to select the furniture that is most suitable for the office, a person can take the services of an interior decorator who knows what type of furniture will be more appealing to employees and customers. If the office is unable to spend money on the services of an interior designer, then they can conduct a research by going through different websites that are available on the internet. There are images of office furniture that can prove to be very useful for the people and they can get ideas regarding the best type of furniture that their office requires. Office furniture should be both attractive and comfortable at the same time that shows the need to plan thoroughly before trying to buy this furniture.
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